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add Thousand Separator and remove Thousand Separator


function addThousandSeparator(value: string | number, asString?: boolean): string;

// and

function removeThousandSeparator(input: string, defaultReturn?: any): number;
function addThousandSeparator(value: string | number, asString?: boolean): string;

// and

function removeThousandSeparator(input: string, defaultReturn?: any): number;


The addThousandSeparator function is used to convert a number or a string into a format with thousand separators (comma-separated).

The removeThousandSeparator function is used to remove the thousand separators from a string and convert it back into a number.



  • value (string | number): The value to be formatted. It can be a number or a string.

  • asString (boolean): An optional parameter. If the input is null or undefined, this parameter determines whether the result should be returned as a string "null" or "undefined". Default is false.


  • input (string): The input string from which the thousand separators should be removed.

  • defaultReturn (any): An optional parameter that specifies the default return value when the input is null, undefined, or an empty string.



  • (string): The formatted string with thousand separators. If the input is null, undefined, 0, or an empty string, it returns the input value or its string representation based on the asString parameter.


  • (string): The number obtained after removing the thousand separators from the input string. If the input is null, undefined, or an empty string, it returns 0.


import { addThousandSeparator, removeThousandSeparator } from "pixiu-number-toolkit";

const value = 123456789;
const formattedValue = addThousandSeparator(value);
console.log(formattedValue); // Outputs: "123,456,789"

const originalValue = removeThousandSeparator(formattedValue);
console.log(originalValue); // Outputs: 123456789
import { addThousandSeparator, removeThousandSeparator } from "pixiu-number-toolkit";

const value = 123456789;
const formattedValue = addThousandSeparator(value);
console.log(formattedValue); // Outputs: "123,456,789"

const originalValue = removeThousandSeparator(formattedValue);
console.log(originalValue); // Outputs: 123456789

In this example, the number 123456789 is formatted into the string "123,456,789" with thousand separators using the addThousandSeparator function. Then, the thousand separators are removed from the formatted string using the removeThousandSeparator function, returning the original number 123456789.

Released under the MIT License.